Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Quotes from the Cutie Pie

Here are some of the cute things Eszti said recently.

I stand in the kitchen, preparing something, she runs to me and says:
"Mommy, I grew up!"

She is talking to Grandpa and tells him that she is going to "Auchan" (a big shopping mall close by). My Dad asks back:
"What are you going to do in Auchan?"
"I am going to study." says Eszti
"What are you going to study?" asks Grandpa.
"The Bible" was her response. :-)

Eszti calls her little boyfriend on the phone:
"Hi Alika (the nickname of her friend), I am here with daddy and mommy in the living room and I love you very much!"

Mommy: "What is your name?"
Answer: "Eszti"
Mommy: "How old are you?"
Eszti: "Twenty-two" (My sister is 22 by the way.)
Mommy: "Eszti, how old is Grandma?"
Eszti: "Twenty-two." (Grandma is very happy about that answer.)
Mommy: "And where do you live?"
Eszti: "At Torokbalint (the city where we live) in the other house."

We pray before going to sleep. Eszti closes her eyes and prays too:
"My God, bless our day. Bless the playground, the slide, the children. Amen."

Mommy's last question for today: "How can kids be so cute?!"


Monday, September 8, 2008

My creative brother

Lajos, a pastor we have been working with, called me last week and asked me if I could make a poster for a Friday afternoon teenager club. So I talked to my brother who is really gifted in web design and together we have created this poster. I am so proud of my brother. Don't you think it looks great? He is also the one who took the picture that is in the background.