Friday, September 22, 2006

Violence on the streets of Budapest

(posted by Zsofi)

Thank you all who have written us and asked if we were safe because of the ongoing riots in Budapest. We are doing well. The riots haven't been very widespread, and since we are staying just outside the city limits, they really haven't affected us much.

For those of you who haven't heard about the political scandal here in Hungary, a tape recording was leaked to the media, where the prime minister said some things that really upset several of the opposition parties (Hungary has a multiparty system where there are more parties, not just two big ones like in the U.S.). Since the release of the tape there have been daily demonstrations, which John has eye-witnessed several times on his way to his language class. Unfortunately, there are also some violent people who have used this situation to group together and riot during the night, which has caused lot of damage in Budapest. Several policemen and civilians have been seriously injuried in these street fights. Please take a minute and pray that God will move in this situation, and for all those violent ones and victims who have either a great anger or fear in their hearts.

Friday, September 8, 2006

News from the little one

(posted by Zsofi)

This week I had a CTG (Cardiotocograph) check up, which Hungarian hospitals do every week during the last month of pregnancy to make sure the baby feels well. It messures the heart beat frequency in correlation with the movements of the baby. John came with me and put his hand from time to time on my tummy. Whenever he put it there the little one’s heart beat slowed down and when he took it away, it went up a little bit. Isn’t that amazing how sensitive such a little spirit is and how calming daddy’s hand can be?