Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Children's Day

In Hungary the last Sunday of May is Children's Day. It is a day when kids can do all kinds of fun stuff. Our church planting team organized together with a housing association a Children's Day festival in our area. It turned out to be a great event. We had wonderful weather and were pleased to see how many children came. They had so much fun playing games, listening to a concert, getting their faces painted, goofing around with a clown etc. At the end of the day I was totally exhausted, my whole body ached but I was thankful that I could be a part of this event. Seeing so many kids being blessed was a joy and seeing what a great job our team has done made me feel proud to be part of it. Here some pictures from the day:  

Preparation work before the kids came
And they came, and played and played and played some more...

    A drawing contest                        

Heidi, Kati and little Sari (isn't she cute with her little basket? :-)

Heidi and me doing some of face painting

Szozo was the clown, he was really funny

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Alpha course finished

A closing update on the Alpha course. We have finished our 20 week course not so long ago. The final session of Alpha is a Celebration Meal where the guests can share there experiences, testimonies from our time together. It was very encouraging to hear the stories of those who were strengthened in their walk with Christ or even started it at some point during the course. An extra bonus to our involvement beside the relationships that were formed and the opportunities we had to minister was the much practice we got in giving a public speech. John was the funniest speaker of all. He had a great mix of being serious at times and also to lighten the atmosphere with jokes. (I am sure you know what I mean if you have ever spent more than an hour with him :-). All together it was a great experience and we are planning with a little team to possibly start an other course in our neighborhood this coming fall. We would appreciate your prayers about that. Thanks for being part in our journey. 

John, me and Jon, the pastor who organized the first Alpha ESOL course in Hungary.