Our Email Update - June 2008
Dear Friends,
Before jumping into all that is happening this summer, we wanted to say thank you for such an amazing response to our email update last month! Whereas our ministry account was in some trouble at the beginning of May, people began praying and we were shocked at how many people made special contributions to our ministry. Consequently, though we will need some monthly commitments to keep it stable, as of today we currently have a surplus in our account! Thank you so much for your special one-time contributions as well as your faithful monthly support! We are truly blessed by you!
Children's Day at the Playground
Working together with the housing association in Tukorhegy, we helped plan and organize a community-wide event at the playground for Children's Day. Our goal was to develop relationships and serve the community, and it turned out amazingly well! Complete with face-painting, music, carnival-style game booths, a sidewalk chalk drawing contest, and many other fun things for the kids to do, so many people came out that the playground was barely able to hold everyone.
Our Neighbor
Two weeks ago we hosted a grill party for those who might be interested in helping out with the church plant in Tukorhegy, and God put it on our hearts to invite one of our neighbors. Margit is a really sweet, single young lady, and we have gotten to know her better this past year.
In short, she came to the grill party, met quite a few other Christians, and decided to come to church with us for the first time this Sunday! We are really excited about what God is doing in her heart and ask you to keep her in your prayers, that she might come to know God's love and mercy.
Summer Plans
John is helping organize three English summer camps, where students will be able to study English as well as hear about Christianity. These camps are wonderful opportunities to introduce Christ's love, form friendships, and have a lasting impact in young people's lives (Zsofi became a Christian through one such camp 15 years ago). Please pray for these camps as well as for all the preparation that goes into it.
With our love,
John & Zsofi