News from the little one

This week I had a CTG (Cardiotocograph) check up, which Hungarian hospitals do every week during the last month of pregnancy to make sure the baby feels well. It messures the heart beat frequency in correlation with the movements of the baby. John came with me and put his hand from time to time on my tummy. Whenever he put it there the little one’s heart beat slowed down and when he took it away, it went up a little bit. Isn’t that amazing how sensitive such a little spirit is and how calming daddy’s hand can be?
I can't wait to see if my hands are also a calming influence on this sweet baby ~ or if excitement fills my grandchild's spirit around me (instead) and causes jumping for joy when I sing my special songs. Lots of attention and fun are waiting for you little one. I love you already.
<3 Your Texas Grandma
Hi Grandma, I am getting ready to come out of my mommy's tummy sometime soon. It is still pretty comfortable in here, but I am getting curious to check out all the things out there. Yesterday we saw the doctor and the nurse who will help me to do that and they seem to be excited about my arrival. I am too.
<3 little little bear
Dear sweet Eszter Anna,
What a precious gift from God you are on this your birthday, September 26, 2006. Your daddy says you are a little angel and I believe him. Though I can't hold you just yet, I long to see you and give the kisses I have been saving up just for you. I'm so glad you were born and you will always have a special part in my heart! I love you more than you will ever know.
<3 Your Texas Grandma
Dear Wilsons!
Sorry for commenting this post, but hallottam a hírt a baba születésérôl. Gratula! Bár mi nagyon le vagyunk maradva, mert azt sem tudtuk, hogy terhesek voltatok! :)
Szóval örülünk. Sajnáljuk, hogy nem tudtatok eljönni Áprilisban az esküvônkre Julcsival. Képek:
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