Our Email Update - May
Dear Friends:
Okay, the historic event took place and John wrote a real blog entry (putting our video up doesn't count!), so I will keep my end of the deal and write this month’s email update. John is a much better writer in English so I prefer him to write the email updates, but maybe some of you will enjoy the female perspective of the HungaryWilsons, so here it comes. :-)
One thing I experienced here in the US and have grown to appreciate is gathering around the dinner table and sharing the highlights and the lows of the day. So I reflected some on our 4-month long furlough in the US and here are some of our highs and lows:
• The biggest one for me are all the wonderful, inspiring people we stayed with as we were going from home to home, city to city. These friends have been like family to us. Thank you all again for opening your homes and hearts to us. God has blessed us richly through you!
• Elizabeth and Eszti doing fantastic on the long road trips (much better than I anticipated) and the exciting things they have been experiencing, like living in a house with Olive, a potbelly pig.
• Spending time with John’s family. Eszti and Eliza love playing with Nanna and Grandpa. They also have spent time with cousins, aunt, uncle, and other family members they don’t see often.
• Experiencing God’s provision, protection, and constant companionship as we live this nomadic lifestyle.
• Having sick kids with no doctor we know in an unfamiliar environment.
• Constant leaving and transitioning, living out of our suitcases, and always being dependent on other people (sometimes this is a very humbling experience).
• There are days when we really miss our home, friends, and family in Hungary--or just some normalcy, however that looks :-)
Support Update:
First of all thank you for being interested in our journey, for reading our updates, and for praying. Also thank you all who financially support us. We couldn't do it without you!
Our remaining support need is $850/month, so if 17 people would start supporting us with $50/month, we would be ready to return to Hungary. Would you please join us in prayer that God would provide for this need and lay it on people’s hearts to join us in bringing more of God's Kingdom to Hungary?
Staying in touch:
We value your communication with us and are always delighted when you respond to our email updates or send an email or card sharing about your lives. Probably many of you don’t know how encouraging some of your notes have been to us. Thank you so much!
For those of you who would like like to follow our missionary journey even closer, we have created a Facebook page: HungaryWilsons. So if you use Facebook, check it out!
With our love,
Zsofi & John