Saturday, March 20, 2010

HungaryWilsons' Promotional Video

In case you haven't had an opportunity to see the video we've been showing at churches yet, here it is.  Enjoy!

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Email Update - March 2010

Dear Friends:

   Zsófi has been making some jokes recently about how often I post to our blog (not often!), so here's the plan: I will post to our blog in exchange for Zsófi writing the email update next month. Consequently, you will be our witnesses as to who keeps their part of the bargain! :-)

   Last month we had a great time visiting friends and supporting churches down in San Antonio, TX! As always, the time was too short and there were some people we either weren't able to visit or who we wish we could have spent more time with.

   After Texas, we drove up to Wheaton (near Chicago) for another round of classes. Many of you have asked what kind of classes I'm taking, so here are this semester's course titles:
  • The Emerging Generation, Popular Culture, and the Gospel
  • Unity in Mission
  • Leadership & Evangelism
  • Developing a Missional Church
  • Theology of N.T. Wright
  • Spiritual Formation & Witness
So far this MA program has been impactful not only on my thinking in terms of our work in Hungary, but also has given me a much richer understanding of the Gospel - something that is bearing fruit even in my own heart and spiritual formation!

Our itinerary for the next month:
  • 3/15 - 4/1: Des Moines, IA
  • 4/2 - 4/5: Memphis, TN
  • 4/5 - 4/19: Wheaton, IL (Chicago)
Financial Update

   Another important purpose of our time here in the U.S. is to raise additional funding. In order to continue serving in Hungary, we need to raise $1000/month. One way this might work out would be for 20 people to commit to contributing $50 each month for the next 3 years. Would you prayerfully consider joining us in what God is doing in Hungary?

   If you already partner with us, thanks again for your prayers and support! We couldn't do this without you!

With our love,
Zsófi & John

Prayer Corner:

Thanks: For your prayers concerning travel. Eszti & Eliza have done amazingly well!
Prayer: For 5 new supporters to join our team in the next month
Prayer: That I will be able to put into practice all the ideas I'm learning through this MA