Quotes from the Cutie Pie #3
One of Eszti's favorite games nowadays is putting Daddy to sleep. Eszti pretends to be Daddy and Daddy is Eszti. Daddy gets the normal bed time routine. He gets something to drink, Eszti tells him a story, she prays with him, holds his hands and then sings to him. Then she leaves the room. Daddy is peacefully sleeping on the couch. Eszti gives him further instructions from the other room:
"Now you need to cry!" :-)
Eszti fell asleep by herself the other night and we gave her a piece of chocolate in the morning to celebrate it. Sharing the big news with Daddy:
"Daddy I went to sleep by myself!"
"Good job Eszti, how did you do that? You just closed your eyes and went to sleep?"
"That is how daddy goes to sleep too."
"And then mommy tells you a story?" :-)
We are coloring and solving exercises in a booklet. One page has different things that need to be paired. For example a cow and milk. I am explaining to Eszti.
"See Eszti here is the cow and it has an udder, which can give milk. It is like when mommy gives milk to Eliza."
Eszti looks at me surprised and asks:
"Mommy, are you a cow?" :-D
Eszti looking at the fan:
"Mommy this is the fan, that turns the cold louder?" :-)

Eszti, Eliza reading with Grandma
"Now you need to cry!" :-)
Eszti fell asleep by herself the other night and we gave her a piece of chocolate in the morning to celebrate it. Sharing the big news with Daddy:
"Daddy I went to sleep by myself!"
"Good job Eszti, how did you do that? You just closed your eyes and went to sleep?"
"That is how daddy goes to sleep too."
"And then mommy tells you a story?" :-)
We are coloring and solving exercises in a booklet. One page has different things that need to be paired. For example a cow and milk. I am explaining to Eszti.
"See Eszti here is the cow and it has an udder, which can give milk. It is like when mommy gives milk to Eliza."
Eszti looks at me surprised and asks:
"Mommy, are you a cow?" :-D
Eszti looking at the fan:
"Mommy this is the fan, that turns the cold louder?" :-)

Eszti, Eliza reading with Grandma