Friday, January 23, 2009


Thank you all who thought of us or prayed for the second Alpha evening yesterday. It went great. I (Zsofi) stayed home with the girls and kept praying for the evening between diaper changing and book reading. I could not wait to find out how it went and was so happy to hear how nicely everything turned out. The dinner was delicious (Hungarian gulyas) with good table conversations, the teaching seemed to capture the attention of the guests and the discussion time was filled with good questions. Sadly the older couple I was telling you about did not come back but we had several new guests. One lady liked it so much last week, that she even brought a friend this week. So we are very pleased how the second evening turned out and look forward to see how God will work in the hearts of our guests. Thank you all who are praying with us.

Friday, January 16, 2009

First Alpha Evening

After much planning and work, Thursday evening we launched the first Alpha course in our neighborhood. The Alpha team has done a great job with preparing the place, the food and creating a very warm, welcoming atmosphere. We had 11 guests and we expect more to come next week.
There was an older couple, both above 70 years old, who seemed to really enjoy themselves. Before they left, they assured us that they will be back next week. A 16 year old teenager had great questions and comments during discussion time. Another lady said that the reason why she came was because of our Christmas caroling 2 years ago. She figured this must be the same group of people who went caroling and wanted to meet us again. She also wants to bring her teenage son next week, who is interested in spiritual stuff. So it is exciting to see how God is working.
During our Alpha leaders training, it really touched me when they spoke about the importance of prayer. They said that the success of Alpha, how many people encounter God during the course, is absolutely dependent on the prayer behind it. So if you like, would you please pray for the guests who come to this course, that they would experience God's love and understand God's truth?

Next week I will try to post some pictures of the evening. Thanks for joining us on this journey!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Launching an Alpha Course

This coming Thursday we are going to launch our first Alpha course in our neighborhood. For those of you who don't know Alpha, it is a 10 week course with basic Christian teachings, shared meals and discussion groups. John has poured a lot of his heart and energy into starting this course and so I hope it will be a great success. I will try to keep you up to date throughout the course about how it is going or share special prayer requests with you. So if you like join us on this journey as we are trying to reach people with the good news in our neighborhood (about 500 homes).

Here is the invitation we are sending out:
And this is the banner we are going to put tomorrow at the main street.

Please pray with us that people whose hearts are ready will sign up for the course.