Our Caroling Adventure

- Several familes with small children asked us to wait while they bundled their kids up so they could listen to all the songs, and then even requested an encore.
- One mother commented that she was more touched than we could imagine and thanked us for making this Christmas a lot nicer for their family
- An older Russian lady (who spoke neither Hungarian nor English) was touched to tears, and after thanking us profusely, commented that I had a really nice voice (or so I assume...)
- A family with several children tried to give us 5000 HUF (Hungarian Forints) for our performance; another family gave us a few boxes of cookies.
- One family even invited us in for some Tea/Hot Chocolate
But the most precious response of all, was one father who was home alone with two small children, and after listening to our songs, we each received a gingerbread Christmas-tree decoration made by the kids! So like many other times in life, though we intended to simply bless others in a small way, we ended up being quite blessed ourselves.