An Exciting New Beginning

(posted by John)
We arrived in Budapest on Thursday, safe-and-sound (with all of our luggage!). It's been pretty incredible to be back in Europe, and my Hungarian has gotten a quick dusting-off... :-) But the food, mmm mmm... I'm going to have to watch it the next few weeks. We also had to dig through all our suitcases to find some cooler-weather clothes, since the past few days have been relatively cool here compared to the warm San Antonio summer we were used to.
And now, after a few days of unpacking in Hungary, we traveled down to Catez, Slovenia (SW of Hungary) to attend United World Mission's bi-annual Euro-Conference, where we are enjoying getting to know all the other UWM missionaries working in Europe and hearing about their respective ministries. It should be a fun week, and then after attending the wedding of one of Zsofi's close friends in Germany, we'll be back in Hungary to finish unpacking! :-)
Hi Courtney, we wished too we could have seen you at least one more time before leaving and to hear stories from Africa. I heard some about your trip from Jack, Jenni and Josh and it sounded like it was a very good, challenging and heart changing experience. We are so glad that Riverside is on this exciting journey. We look forward to see how it all will enfold in the future.
I will send you our address and you can close your eyes now (I will do the same) and imagine a big hug from me and John and a little belly kick from little Hungary Wilson.
With lots of love,
Hey John, yes that did remind us of Texas :-) and sometimes it is still hard for us to believe that we are actually here.
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