Merry Christmas!

We would like to wish you a peaceful, joyful Christmas. Tomorrow our little family will sit on a plane and we will fly to Washington DC to celebrate with John's family. Thank you for your support, prayers and love for us in 2009. May your 2010 be filled with God's blessings!
John, Zsofi, Eszti and Elizabeth
Our best Christmas gift this year will be hugging all of you! Since your plane just landed in Washington DC, it will be minutes from now. Hooray!!!!!!
Thank God for a safe flight.
Dad and Mom
Halihó! :) Mikor jön egy új poszt? Én néha beszoktam ide kukkantani, hogy van-e valami új a blogban :)
Remélem jól vagytok!
Szeretettel, Kriszti
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