Happy Birthday sweet Eszti!

Eszti turned 3 today. What a nice thing to celebrate that God made her and gave her to us! She wanted some trains and a bear on her cake. So that is what she got. :-) My favorite part of the day was in the morning when after Eszti's favorite breakfast (pancakes), John and I prayed for her and blessed her. It was such a precious time. In the afternoon we had guests and some nice presents, like the little house you can see below. The building together process was hilarious.
Happy belated birthday, Eszti! Nice cake!
Precious Eszti,
Your birthday cake looks yummy! I wish we could eat a piece. Grandpa likes the train and you already know how special bears are in our family. Good choice.
I love you very much!
Kedves Zsófi,
már többször menéztem ezt a videót, nagyon vicces :)
El tudod ezt küldeni nekem pl. emailben?
Hiányoztok és remélem nemsokára talizunk!
Szeretlek titeket, Kriszti
ja, és nagyon jól néz ki a torta! :)
@ Lady K. Thanks! Ein bisschen Haushalt... und das alles verdanke ich Katharina und Dir! :-)
@ Nanna: I wished you could have been here with us. It would be fun to celebrate the October, September birthdays together! :-)
@ Dom-do-dom: Krisztikem, mikor talalkozunk? Mar nagyon hianyzol mindenkinek. A videokat skypon keresztul is atkuldhetem.
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