Saturday, October 17, 2009

Go Johnny go!

I have been asking John hundred times to write a blog entry, he seems to be willing but rather slow accomplishing this (my mom-in-law whose maiden name is Quick always says Wilson has s-l-o-w in it :-). But so here am I again giving you a little update about our ministry and hopefully we can all enjoy John's perspective sometime in the near future. (I hope you are reading this dear John. :-)

So we have 2 Alpha courses running. One in the morning designed for mothers with small children and an evening course. I am involved with the morning one as a table leader and it has been a stretching but good experience so far. The evening course is running smoothly too. We have lively discussions after the teachings. Last time one of or guests who is a Buddhist asked why is it if Jesus came to overcome sin, that the world is still in such a sinful state. Pretty good question, don't you think?

An other update on the ministry front is John's summer interim pastor role. Before we joined this church, our prayer was that God would use us to strengthen this body of believers. It seemed like this summer this is exactly what happened. The end result of our summer service is that we have gotten to know many people, were able to serve in different capacities (e.g. making sure the service would run smoothly, discipleship, teaching, prayer ministry etc.) and now John has become a very valued adviser, helper to the pastor and the elder board.

So go Johnny, go! :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Zsofi,
I will always enjoy your thoughts and brilliant insight so hope John continues to delay least once-in-a-while. Just remember, there is a purpose for what God created while he was inside his mother's womb. Psalm 139
Thanks for the delightful blog.

November 3, 2009 at 6:49:00 PM GMT+1  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you sweet Mamabear for this encouraging note. I love you! BB

November 15, 2009 at 2:10:00 PM GMT+1  

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